You can come and check each room for up to 10 minutes free of charge.
You need to make a reservation for it.
Reserving a room for a free visit is different from a regular (paid) reservation.
Please read the following.
How to make a reservation for a free visit for up to 10 minutes
1.Please register as a member. (Click here for details)
2.Please log in to the reservation site. (Click here for details)
3.Check the reservation status to see if the room is available.
Please select the date and time on the right side of the following screen and make the reservation.

4.On the morning of the day you wish to visit, please contact by email.
Subject: Checking the Room in Advance
Body: Please let us know
②Room number you wish to visit
③Desired time of visit (required) (Available from 10:00 to 22:00)
5.We will send you a key number so that you can unlock the room. Please see the room for yourself.
・Symphony staff will not accompany you during the tour.
・Reservations for a free visit can only be made on the day of the tour.
・You can come and see the rooms free of charge only when the room is vacant.
For example. If a reservation is made for a visit at 4:00 p.m.
and then a paid reservation is made later by someone else at 4:00 p.m.,
the later time reservation will take precedence.
・Please be sure to limit your tour to 10 minutes or less for each room, even if the room is vacant afterward.
・If it is absolutely necessary for you to see the room, we recommend that you make a paid reservation for 30 minutes or longer.
・Weekends tend to be very busy, and a number of paid reservations might be made at the last minute. We recommend weekdays